Clitoropexy Gallery
Case # 27889
Procedures Highlighted
- Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of Labia Minora
- Clitoral Hood Reduction
- Clitoropexy
- PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to surgical wounds
- Excision of Excess Perineal Skin
26 yo woman from Colorado Springs, Colorado located the office of master cosmetic surgeon and renowned Urogynecologist Dr. Oscar Aguirre of Parker, Colorado through an internet search on Labiaplasty. She has a ten-year history of undesired cosmetic appearance of her vulva. Since puberty she has been bothered by her long, dark labia. Dr. Aguirre performed a pelvic examination with a chaperone present and patient observing with a hand-held mirror. Examination revealed bilateral hypertrophy with hyperpigmentation, a large ptotic prepuce and excess perineal skin. She was found to be an excellent candidate for in office Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of Labia Minora, Clitoral Hood Reduction w/Clitoropexy, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to surgical wounds, and Excision of Excess Perineal Skin. She was eager to schedule the recommended procedure and scheduled for the next available date. She returned to the office for her regularly scheduled post-op visits happy with her results.