Experience Pain During Sex? Don’t Suffer in Silence – We Can Help

Posted: September 16, 2024

woman holding her bladder

When Intimacy Hurts: Finding Relief from Painful Sex at Aguirre Specialty Care

Intimacy should be a source of pleasure and connection, not pain. Yet, for millions of women, the reality of painful sex casts a shadow over their relationships and well-being. If you’re one of them, know that you’re not alone and that there’s hope for a fulfilling and pain-free intimate life.

At Aguirre Specialty Care, we understand the profound impact that painful sex can have. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing compassionate, expert care to women seeking relief from this often-overlooked condition.

What is Painful Sex (Dyspareunia)?

Painful sex, medically termed dyspareunia, is a broad term encompassing any discomfort or pain experienced during sexual intercourse or penetration.

It can manifest as a sharp, burning, or aching sensation, occurring at the entrance of the vagina or deeper within the pelvis. The impact of dyspareunia extends beyond the physical; it can lead to emotional distress, anxiety, and relationship difficulties.

The prevalence of painful sex is alarmingly high, affecting an estimated 10-20% of women of reproductive age. Despite its commonality, many women suffer in silence, either unaware of available treatments or hesitant to discuss such an intimate issue.

Why Choose Aguirre Specialty Care for Painful Sex Treatment

Aguirre Specialty Care stands out as a beacon of hope for women struggling with painful sex.

Our team, led by the world-renowned pelvic health expert Dr. Oscar A. Aguirre, brings decades of experience and a compassionate approach to diagnosing and treating this complex condition. We understand the sensitive nature of this issue and strive to create a safe and supportive environment where you can openly discuss your concerns.

At Aguirre Specialty Care, we believe in empowering our patients. We take the time to educate you about your condition, explore the various treatment options, and work collaboratively to develop a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

Our commitment to patient-centered care ensures that you’re an active participant in your journey toward sexual wellness.

The Possible Causes of Painful Sex

Painful sex isn’t a single condition but rather a symptom with a multitude of potential causes. Understanding the underlying cause is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan. Some of the most common culprits include:


Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. This misplaced tissue can cause inflammation, scarring, and adhesions, leading to pain during intercourse, especially deep penetration.


Fibroids are noncancerous growths in the uterus. Depending on their size and location, they can contribute to pain during sex, particularly if they press on the cervix or other sensitive areas.

Scar Tissue

Scar tissue can form after surgery, childbirth, or injury. It can restrict the vagina’s flexibility and cause pain during penetration.

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a common issue, especially during menopause or after childbirth. Insufficient lubrication can lead to friction and discomfort during intercourse.

Pelvic Muscle Spasms

Pelvic muscle spasms, or vaginismus, involve involuntary contractions of the muscles surrounding the vagina. These contractions can make penetration difficult or impossible, causing significant pain.

The Importance of an Accurate Diagnosis

Given the diverse causes of painful sex, an accurate diagnosis is paramount. At Aguirre Specialty Care, our team of experts utilizes a comprehensive approach, including a detailed medical history, physical examination, and, if necessary, imaging studies or other diagnostic tests. We’re committed to uncovering the root cause of your pain, enabling us to tailor a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.

Exploring Treatment Options for Painful Sex at Aguirre Specialty Care

At Aguirre Specialty Care, we offer a comprehensive range of treatment options for painful sex, from non-invasive therapies to advanced procedures. Our approach is personalized, ensuring that you receive the most appropriate treatment for your individual needs and preferences.

Non-Invasive Treatments

For many women, non-invasive treatments offer effective relief from painful sex. These therapies are typically performed in-office with minimal discomfort and no downtime. Some of the most common non-invasive options include:

How Can Vaginal Lubricants Help with Painful Sex?

Vaginal lubricants are a simple yet effective way to reduce friction and discomfort during intercourse. They come in various forms, including water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based. Our team can help you choose the right lubricant for your needs and preferences.

What are Vaginal Dilators and How Do They Work?

Vaginal dilators are cylindrical devices of gradually increasing sizes that are used to gently stretch and relax the vaginal muscles. They can be particularly helpful for women with vaginismus or scar tissue.

How Does Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Help with Painful Intercourse?

Pelvic floor physical therapy focuses on addressing muscle tightness and spasms in the pelvic floor. A specially trained physical therapist will guide you through exercises and techniques to improve muscle flexibility and coordination, reduce pain, and enhance sexual function.

What is Local or Systemic Hormonal Therapy and How Does it Address Painful Sex?

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly declining estrogen levels during menopause, can contribute to vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal tissues, leading to pain during intercourse. Local or systemic hormonal therapy can replenish estrogen levels, improving vaginal health and lubrication.

Can Trigger Point Steroid Injections Relieve Painful Sex?

Trigger point steroid injections involve injecting a corticosteroid medication into specific areas of muscle tightness or pain. This can help reduce inflammation and provide localized pain relief, potentially improving comfort during intercourse.

What are Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections and How Can They Help?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy utilizes a concentrated portion of your blood plasma, rich in growth factors and healing properties. PRP injections can be used to promote tissue regeneration and healing in areas affected by scar tissue or other damage, potentially reducing pain and improving sexual function.

Advanced Treatments

In cases where non-invasive therapies aren’t sufficient, or for women seeking more comprehensive solutions, Aguirre Specialty Care offers a range of advanced treatments. These may involve minimally invasive procedures or surgery, performed with the utmost precision and care.

What is the O-Shot® and How Can it Improve Sexual Experience?

The O-Shot® is a revolutionary treatment that harnesses the power of PRP to enhance sexual sensation and comfort. PRP is injected into specific areas of the clitoris and anterior vaginal wall, stimulating tissue regeneration and improving blood flow, leading to increased sensitivity, lubrication, and overall sexual satisfaction.

How Does FemiLift™ Laser Vaginal Resurfacing Work?

FemiLift™ is a non-surgical laser treatment that resurfaces the vaginal walls, stimulating collagen production and improving tissue elasticity. This can lead to increased vaginal tightness, lubrication, and sensation, as well as improvements in urinary incontinence.

What is the Laser Enhanced O-Shot (LEO®) and What are its Benefits?

The LEO® combines the benefits of FemiLift™ laser vaginal resurfacing with the O-Shot®, providing a synergistic boost to vaginal revitalization and sexual function.

Can Reconstructive & Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery Help with Painful Sex?

In some cases, structural issues, such as scar tissue or congenital abnormalities, may contribute to painful sex. Reconstructive and cosmetic vaginal surgery can address these issues, improving vaginal function and comfort during intercourse.

What is the Real Mommy Makeover™ and How Can it Enhance Sexual Wellness?

The Real Mommy Makeover™ is a personalized combination of treatments designed to enhance a woman’s appearance and sexual wellness after childbirth. It may include labiaplasty, breast enhancement, FemiLift™, O-Shot®, and other procedures tailored to your individual needs and goals.

What to Expect During and After Treatment

The specific procedure and aftercare instructions will vary depending on the chosen treatment. Non-invasive therapies are typically performed in-office with minimal discomfort and no downtime. More advanced treatments may require anesthesia or a brief recovery period.

Our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for yourself after treatment, including any restrictions on activity or medications to take. We’ll also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

It’s Time to Break the Cycle of Pain

If you’re ready to break free from the chains of painful sex and reclaim your sexual health, Aguirre Specialty Care is here to help.

We invite you to schedule a consultation with our compassionate team of experts. During your consultation, we’ll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a thorough evaluation, and discuss the various treatment options available to you.

Remember, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Painful sex is a treatable condition, and with the right care and support, you can experience the joy and intimacy you deserve. Take the first step today and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and pain-free intimate life.