We must admit—we’re secretly relieved that January is over, and we can finally put to rest all those New Year’s resolutions that never got off the ground. Now is the perfect time to get back to the basics and hone in on what your body really needs. For 2017, what fine-tuning is on your wish list? If it’s a slimmer body, you’re in luck, because we’re thrilled to announce the addition of an exciting body-contouring treatment here at Aguirre Specialty Care called CoolSculpting®!
An FDA-cleared, non-invasive fat-reduction treatment, CoolSculpting in Denver can trim your “problem” areas without any invasive surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting puts targeted fat cells out of commission by freezing them with cooling panels. Your body naturally flushes the fat cells out in the weeks and months following your treatment, which means you’ll enjoy slimmer contours gradually over time.
The great thing about CoolSculpting is that it works on almost any area of the body, including the abdomen, back, chin, and thighs. From love handles to a double chin, CoolSculpting is an easy and effective solution for trimming stubborn fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise.
CoolSculpting isn’t just the latest fad—it’s been making people slimmer for several years, and isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it just keeps getting more popular.

Without a doubt, 2017 is the year for a trimmer and slimmer you! Call us today at 303.322.0500
for your CoolSculpting consultation.