We get it. You’ve got a thousand things on your to-do list, so the last thing on your mind is your sex life. But we want you to think twice before putting sex on the back-burner. Recent research is revealing a bevy of important personal benefits from having a healthy, active sex life, such as stress reduction and a beefed-up immune system.
To help women achieve optimal sexual health and satisfaction (for an overall healthier life), we offer an extensive selection of treatments at Aguirre Specialty Care. One of our most popular services is a combination treatment called LEO®, which stands for Laser Enhanced O-Shot®.
LEO utilizes two amazing technologies—FemiLift™ and the O-Shot. FemiLift is an FDA-approved non-invasive laser treatment that resurfaces the entire circumference of the vagina, tightening the vagina and strengthening the supporting ligaments surrounding the bladder and urethra. With no downtime, FemiLift can increase sexual gratification for both partners and reduce stress urinary incontinence symptoms.
The O-Shot can help women regain vaginal sensation, increasing the ability for arousal and orgasm. The O-Shot uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a concentrated portion of your own blood containing potent growth factors, which stimulate new cell growth. We carefully inject PRP into the clitoris and anterior vaginal wall to add volume and increase sensation and sensitivity.
Isn’t it time you made your health and sexual satisfaction a top priority? Call 303.322.0500 or click here to schedule your LEO consultation today!