Revision Labiaplasty FAQs

How is revision labiaplasty performed?

If the original labiaplasty surgery simply did not remove enough of the excess tissue to achieve the patient’s aesthetic goals, the revision labiaplasty will most likely be performed utilizing the Laser Reduction Labiaplasty technique. If there are other factors that the patient is unhappy with, this may require a more specialized surgery, the specifics of which will be discussed with you during your consultation.

Is there any downtime following revision labiaplasty?

Yes, typically just a few, short days. Many of our patients return to work after 3-5 days.

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for revision labiaplasty?

If you’ve already undergone a labiaplasty and are not satisfied with your results, whether it is asymmetry, excess removal of tissue, disrupted blood supply, pain or another factor, you may be a candidate for revision labiaplasty at Aguirre Specialty Care in Denver. To learn more, we urge you to schedule your consultation with Denver cosmetic gynecologist, Dr. Aguirre.

Are there any side effects I should know about?

Many of the side effects for revision labiaplasty are the same as labiaplasty. These most often include swelling, redness and slight bruising, though every effort is made by our staff as well as Dr. Aguirre to speed the healing and recovery process as much as possible. Possible side effects will be discussed in depth during your consultation.

How much does revision labiaplasty at Aguirre Specialty Care cost?

As each revision labiaplasty is different, cost varies. For a specific cost, we urge you to schedule a consultation.

For more on vaginal rejuvenation, visit the following pages: